Tuesday, February 23, 2010

6x04 "The Subsitute" Alternate 2004

This is a Locke-centric episode.

1. Wait a minute! WAIT A MINUTE! Locke is still with Helen, AND they're getting married? Locke must have had a totally different life.

2. Locke's father is invited to the wedding? Anthony Cooper is invited to the wedding?L

3. In this alternate timeline, Locke was never on vacation in Australia. He just blew off a conference to try to go on his walkabout.

4. Locke meets Hurley as the owner of the box company right after getting fired.

5. "Randy Nations? Yeah, that guy is a huge douche." -Hurley

6. So Hurley also owns a temp agency? He sure knows how to spend his money.

7. So Rose is in Hurley's employ? It looks like Hurley may very well be the thread connecting everybody in this alternate timeline.

8. In this timeline, Rose still has cancer. DO NOT WANT!

9. Locke's alarm clock sounds like the Hatch alarm.

10. Seems that Oceanic found Locke's knives. Did they do the same for Christian Shepherd's body?

11. At least one thing is still the same: John Locke was still denied his walkabout.

12. "There is no such thing" as a miracle? What does that mean about Jack's wife, Sarah?

13. Locke's new temp job is as a substitute teacher. Is it wrong that I want him to teach me about the human reproductive system?

14. Ben Linus is a history teacher, and feels tea is a gentleman's drink. I wonder what will become of this meeting?

6x04 "The Subsitute" Island

1. Right off the bat, we have a camera angle from the point of view of the smoke monster. Need any more convincing that FLocke is the Monster?

2. Why does the Monster, need Richard Alpert to join him?

3. It sounds like Richard has no idea what Jacob's master plan was.

4. Ilana gathered up Jacob's ashes in her bag. Is that meant to be a safeguard against the Monster?

5. Sawyer is listening to Iggy Pop's "Search and Destroy."

6. Sawyer doesn't seem to be bothered by "Locke's" claim that he is dead.

7. The Monster doesn't take the drink Sawyer offers him.

8. What makes Ilana so sure that Jin would be at the temple? Is Jin the one who holds number 42?

9. Is that little boy on the Island, young John Locke? Is that what he saw in his dreams about the Island?

10. "You know the rules, you can't kill him." Seems like the Monster isn't all powerful after killing Jacob after all.

11. If the Monster wanted to kill everyone on the Island, wouldn't he have started with everyone at and around the statue?

12. The way Sawyer talks about the ending of "Of Mice and Men," makes it sound like Sawyer is considering the Monster.

13. The Monster was once human? How did he become the black smoke that we see today?

14. Why can't the Monster alter his face anymore?

15. Locke is finally buried. Dead is dead.

16. Written on the wall of the cave are many names, including those of the survivors of 815. Each name has a number attached to it:
Locke - 4 This name is soon crossed out by the Monster.

Reyes - 8

Ford - 15

Jarrah - 16

Shepherd - 23 Is it Jack or Christian?

Kwon - 42 It is unknown if it's Sun or Jin.

17. Jacob also met Kate, so why don't we see her name on the wall?

18. The people on that list are potential Jacob successors?

19. What happens if nobody steps in to be the new Island protector?

20. It would seem that Sawyer now wants to leave the Island? But why? It's not like he has anything worth going back to in the real world.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

6x03 "What Kate Does" Island

At the Temple

1. Sayid is alive, and still Sayid.

2. Sawyer seems to be convinced that the Island is a place to punish people.

3. Sayid's bullet wound seems to be completly healed after his "baptism."

4. Kate's going after Sawyer, right after he says "don't come after me." Some things never change.

5. How exactly do shock treatments, and hot pokers determine if anything is still wrong with one who has been brought back from the "dead?"

6. It's clear that the Others at the temple, the Others in general, are enemies of the Monster.

7. Why do they think the trap they uncovered isn't Rousseau's?

8. Aldo = Pickett Jr. Why does Kate feel the need to escape?

9. So Sayid's infected. Is this the infection Rousseau alluded to back in season one?

10. Sayid's all but agreed to take the pill, so why does Jack back down?

11. Sawyer was going to propose to Juliet. He even had a ring! I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Sawyer and Kate paring is dead.

12. Of all the things, why does Dogen have a baseball?

13. Dogen is named after a prominent Japanese Buddhist philosopher, who founded the Sōtō Zen sect of Buddhism. OR IS HE? Given that it is possible for one to be granted immortality, this could be the very same Dogen!

14. Now that Sawyer's refused to go back to the Temple, what's next for Kate? Where could she possibly go?

15. Does Dogen think Sayid's been claimed by the Monster? Is that what happened to Rousseau's team? How does one get infected like that anyway?


17. What's Claire doing out in the Jungle with a rifle? What's she been doing all this time?

6x03 "What Kate Does" Alternate 2004

The events here are centered around Kate after she hijacked the cab.

1. Leave it to Arzt to get in the way of well... everybody and anybody.

2. Right away, Kate goes to an auto shop to get her handcuffs off. Seems like she's done that before.

3. So this Claire was still expecting to give up Aaron for adoption.

4. Very thoughtful of Kate to come back for Claire. It's a parallel to the original reality, in that Kate returned to the Island to bring Claire home.

5. Claire's adoptive family folded right before the adoption. It was actually better for her to have delivered on the Island.

6. Meet Ethan Goodspeed. In this reality, the DHARMA Initiative, NEVER came to the Island, therefore Ethan was born off the Island. He still seems kinda creepy.

7. Claire still feels the need to name her child Aaron.

Monday, February 08, 2010

6x01 and 6x02 "LA X" Island

Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sawyer, Miles, Jin, and Juliet

1. How did Kate wind up attached to the tree?

2. It appears that the wreckage from the incident was ported over to the present along with the wreckage from the end of season two. That's how we know that our pasties are in the present.

3. I hate to say "I told you so," but in Jack's case, I always knew that setting off the bomb wouldn't work. "Whatever happened, happened," and nothing can change that. Any attempt to change it, no matter how significant the attempt might be could cause a time paradox. However in this case, it created an alternate reality.

4. Jacob's claim that Jin wouldn't be able to see him is false. In "the Beginning of the End," one of Hurley's fellow inmates was able to see Charlie at the mental hospital.

5. Was Jacob able to see everything that was happening on the Island at all times?

6. Jack still seems to have learned his lesson about fixing people if he's blindly letting Hurley take point on Sayid.

7. With Juliet dead, Sawyer's world is now crushed.

8. So Montand never made it anywhere near the actual temple.

9. When Juliet said that "It Worked," does that mean that she time-traveled like Desmond in "Flashes Before Your Eyes," and have seen the alternate reality that the explosion created?

10. It looks like Cindy stayed at the Temple after Ben sent her and others there at the end of season 3.

11. It would seem that Jack was always on Jacob's list, along with the rest of the people that Jacob met off the Island.

12. The water in the temple became dirty after Jacob died.

13. Sayid was placed under the water in order to heal him. One would assume that this is the same thing that was done for Ben in 1977 after Sayid shot him.

14. Jack's attempt to revive Sayid is reminiscent of his attempt to do the same for Charlie in "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues."

15. It would seem that Sawyer and Miles are also on Jacob's list.

16. The way the Others in the Temple are reacting to the news of Jacob's death, it suggests that the Monster may be coming for them next.

17. Is that really Sayid who came back? He seems confused, in a John Locke sort of way.

Ben, Sun, Lapidus, Ilana, Richard, and FLocke

1. What happened to Jacob's body? It couldn't have burned completely like that.

2. Ben lies again about killing Jacob. That won't be kept secret for very long.

3. FLocke claims that Jacob's bodyguards are "free." Does he see Jacob as a master?

4. And now for the big reveal, FLocke, is the Monster. Now this changes everything we've seen in the ladder half of last season. This means that when Ben was Judged in "Dead is Dead," and told to do everything that "Locke" says, Ben was conned into doing the Monster's bidding by killing Jacob!

5. Why is the monster referred to as a "Who?" Who is the Monster then? Is it Esau?

6. According to FLocke, Locke's last thought was, "I don't understand." Looking back on this show, it seems that Locke never truly understood anything except for that he had nothing worth going back to the mainland for.

7. FLocke's demand: "I want to go home." If home isn't the Island, then where is it and what's keeping him on the Island?

8. According to Flocke's statement, Richard may have come to the Island on the Black Rock.

9. And lastly, what does FLocke mean by saying he's disappointed in everyone else?

6x01 and 6x02 "LA X" Alternate 2004

As this episode seems to suggest that there are two realities/timelines running side by side, I'm referring to all off Island scenes in this episode as taking place in an alternate 2004, whereas the on Island scenes take place in 2008.

On Flight 815

1. Right off the bat things are not the same as in the pilot. Cindy only gives Jack one extra bottle of liquor, and Jack spilled his drink.

2. Another difference, Rose is calm and Jack is nervous during the turbulence.

3. How did Jack get the cut on his neck, and does he remember anything that occured in the original timeline?

4. Another MAJOR difference, Desmond is on the plane. It seems like he finished that race around the world. Why don't either of them seem to realize they've met before?

5. How did the Island get submerged underwater? Is that one result of the bomb blast?

6. Kate stole Jack's pen after leaving the bathroom.

7. Another difference from the original timeline, Hurley isn't burdened as a result of having won the lottery. "I'm the luckiest guy alive," is not something our Hurley would say. Why was this Hurley in Australia?

8. One thing that is not different: Sun and Jin's marriage is still strained.

9. Another difference: Shannon is NOT on the plane. According to Boone, Shannon didn't even want to leave Australia.

10. Was Charlie trying to kill himself in the bathroom? That's another difference right there considering that Charlie had a tour to look forward to in LA.

11. Where did Desmond disappear to?

12. One thing I was hoping would be different is Locke's paralysis. With his detailed story about the walkabout, I was hoping to see him walk off of the plane under his own power.

At the airport

1. Kate makes yet another daring escape from the the Marshall. The whole thing is kinda unrealistic. Wouldn't Mars have arranged for a team of people to be waiting at LAX for their arrival?

2. Did Sawyer see Kate's handcuffs in the elevator?

3. Okay, how the hell does an airline lose track of a coffin? It's a giant coffin! On a more serious note, did Christian Shepherd get reanimated off the Island and leave the coffin in Sydney?

4. Why is Sun being referred to by her maiden name, of Paik, instead of Kwon? Are she and Jin not married.

5. Does Sun even speak english in this alternate timeline?

6. Of all the cabs for Kate to get into, she gets into one with Claire.

7. Locke's assessment of Jack's situation is fairly accurate. The airline lost Christian Shepherd's body, but they didn't actually lose Christian Shepherd.

8. Locke's knives got lost too? How come nobody else lost baggage.

9. Seems that Jack and Locke will be meeting again.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

5x16 "The Incident" Jacob's Story

I feel that Jacob's story is one intertwined with the Island. Jacob seems to be caught in an ideological struggle with the man in black, who I will refer to as Esau. Jacob believes that people from the outside need to come to the Island in order for things to progress and Esau believes that the Island is not a place for outsiders to dwell. Jacob is clearly in charge as Esau is only able to watch as Jacob time and again draws people to the Island.

Clearly Jacob is not choosing at random. He spends a considerable amount of time off the Island, choosing which people he would like to see on the Island. However, for all the talk we have seen on the show about destiny, Jacob insists that the people he appears before have a choice. They can choose to go to the Island, or they can stay where they are as in the case of his interaction with Hurley.

Is he dead? Is he alive? How is it that the only loophole Esau needed to kill Jacob was to persuade someone else to do it? I have no idea. These rules are one of many things surrounding the Island that need to be explained before the show is over. And with this, I depart, until the next episode airs..

Monday, February 01, 2010

5x16 - "The Incident" Island

Present Day

1. Lets say for one moment that Ben never met Jacob. What was in the cabin in "The Man Behind the Curtain?" There always seems to be a real presence in the cabin whenever whe see it.

2. If Jacob can make someone immortal, wouldn't that make him a god? Wouldn't that even make Him God?

3. "Locke's" decision to "get rid of" the Ajira passengers makes him sound like Charles Widmore.

4. Ilana's faction seems to be a seperate group of Others. Why do they have Locke's real body and where did they get it from?

5. Did "Alex" tell ben to follow John Locke, or the man impersonating Locke?

6. Again we have another group, this time Ilana's group, claiming to be the good guys. Does dedicating your life in service to the Island make one a "good guy?"

7. Who attacked the cabin and what has become of Christian Shepherd?

8. Embroidered on Ilana's cloth is the statue. Jacob gave that to Ilana as an indicator to his location.

9. Locke's claim that Ben was banished is false. For starters, Locke had to the move the Island and the fact that Ben returned sucessfully means that there is no punishment for returning to the Island after turning the Wheel.

10. After three years, the Driveshaft ring was still at Aaron's crib. Where has Claire been all this time?

11. If Jacob is capable of creating Egyptian heiroglyphics, would that place his roots in ancient Egypt?

12. How is it that a mere human being like Ben was able to kill an immortal being like Jacob?


1. How is it that Faraday was able to pinpoint the exact moment of the Incident? Was he experiencing flashes?

2. I wonder if Jack and Richard's exchange about Locke made Alpert keep his interest.

3. How was the DHARMA Initiative able to build the Barracks over the underground caverns where Jughead was stored?

4. This seems to be the first episode where Jack actually kills someone.

5. How did Rose and Bernard manage to build a house and stay under the radar of the Others?

6. "This bomb is supposed to blow us back in time?" OH SHIT! It's the Red vs. Blue logic. If they're blown backwards, they'll travel in to the past. If they're blown forwards, they'll be sent into the future.

7. Jack ans Sawyer's stalemate is like watching Jack and Ben near the end of "Through the Looking Glass."

8. Jack's decision to blow up the Island tells me that he never truly learned anything from his experience throughout the show. From day one, everything he has done he did under the belief that if he just arrived at LAX, that everything would be all right.

9. I am of the opinion that a world where Oceanic flight 815 doesn't crash is a world not meant to be.

10. At long last we now know that the drill hitting the pocket of electromagnetism is what started the fabled incident which we learned of in season two.

11. Thisis the very first time a season ended and we had no idea what to expect in the next season. If the plan was successful, then that would mean that nothing in the last five seasons has happened. If it failed, it would have left the DHARMA Initiative with just enough time to cement over the electromagnetism before it got too out of hand again.