Tuesday, February 16, 2010

6x03 "What Kate Does" Alternate 2004

The events here are centered around Kate after she hijacked the cab.

1. Leave it to Arzt to get in the way of well... everybody and anybody.

2. Right away, Kate goes to an auto shop to get her handcuffs off. Seems like she's done that before.

3. So this Claire was still expecting to give up Aaron for adoption.

4. Very thoughtful of Kate to come back for Claire. It's a parallel to the original reality, in that Kate returned to the Island to bring Claire home.

5. Claire's adoptive family folded right before the adoption. It was actually better for her to have delivered on the Island.

6. Meet Ethan Goodspeed. In this reality, the DHARMA Initiative, NEVER came to the Island, therefore Ethan was born off the Island. He still seems kinda creepy.

7. Claire still feels the need to name her child Aaron.


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