Wednesday, April 29, 2009

5x13 - "Some Like It Hoth" Island

1. If the DHARMA Initiative was conducting work in the Hostile's territory, then it was a violation of the truce? Could this be the start of what leads to the purge?

2. How the hell does Hurley manage to get a delivery job to the same destination as Miles?

3. According to Alvarez's story, he must have been working near an area with high concentration of electromagnetism. The area he was working in was have been the construction site for the Swan.

4. There are certain things about this show which annoy me, which seem to be Kate's poor showing of judgement. In season 3, she went to inform Jack about the Other's impending attack on the beach even though it was clear to everyone that it was a bad idea. Then in the conversation she was with Roger, she accidently lets on that she knows more about Ben's ordeal then she lets on.

5. Hurley doesn't actually talk to dead people. He's seeing the Monster in the form of dead castaways.

6. The other thing about this show that annoys me is Hurley's inability to keep his mouth shut.

7. And now we have it, Pierre Chang is indeed Miles' father.

8. "What body?" Seems like being in the circle of trust doesn't mean that you have all that much trust placed in you.

9. Chang doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd like country.

10. Hurley's trying to help Miles reconnect with Chang but it's not working.

11. So the numbers on the Hatchare a serial number? There's got to be more to it then that.

12. Hurley has the lamest ideas for "Empire Strikes Back." Luke and Vader talking out their problems? I'm really trying not to laugh.

13. Miles' failure to erase the security tapes from the fence, means that Sawyer's life with DHARMA will now fall apart. He can't hide Phil forever, and now all of our castaways will be suspected hostiles when they get caught.


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