Monday, February 01, 2010

5x16 - "The Incident" Island

Present Day

1. Lets say for one moment that Ben never met Jacob. What was in the cabin in "The Man Behind the Curtain?" There always seems to be a real presence in the cabin whenever whe see it.

2. If Jacob can make someone immortal, wouldn't that make him a god? Wouldn't that even make Him God?

3. "Locke's" decision to "get rid of" the Ajira passengers makes him sound like Charles Widmore.

4. Ilana's faction seems to be a seperate group of Others. Why do they have Locke's real body and where did they get it from?

5. Did "Alex" tell ben to follow John Locke, or the man impersonating Locke?

6. Again we have another group, this time Ilana's group, claiming to be the good guys. Does dedicating your life in service to the Island make one a "good guy?"

7. Who attacked the cabin and what has become of Christian Shepherd?

8. Embroidered on Ilana's cloth is the statue. Jacob gave that to Ilana as an indicator to his location.

9. Locke's claim that Ben was banished is false. For starters, Locke had to the move the Island and the fact that Ben returned sucessfully means that there is no punishment for returning to the Island after turning the Wheel.

10. After three years, the Driveshaft ring was still at Aaron's crib. Where has Claire been all this time?

11. If Jacob is capable of creating Egyptian heiroglyphics, would that place his roots in ancient Egypt?

12. How is it that a mere human being like Ben was able to kill an immortal being like Jacob?


1. How is it that Faraday was able to pinpoint the exact moment of the Incident? Was he experiencing flashes?

2. I wonder if Jack and Richard's exchange about Locke made Alpert keep his interest.

3. How was the DHARMA Initiative able to build the Barracks over the underground caverns where Jughead was stored?

4. This seems to be the first episode where Jack actually kills someone.

5. How did Rose and Bernard manage to build a house and stay under the radar of the Others?

6. "This bomb is supposed to blow us back in time?" OH SHIT! It's the Red vs. Blue logic. If they're blown backwards, they'll travel in to the past. If they're blown forwards, they'll be sent into the future.

7. Jack ans Sawyer's stalemate is like watching Jack and Ben near the end of "Through the Looking Glass."

8. Jack's decision to blow up the Island tells me that he never truly learned anything from his experience throughout the show. From day one, everything he has done he did under the belief that if he just arrived at LAX, that everything would be all right.

9. I am of the opinion that a world where Oceanic flight 815 doesn't crash is a world not meant to be.

10. At long last we now know that the drill hitting the pocket of electromagnetism is what started the fabled incident which we learned of in season two.

11. Thisis the very first time a season ended and we had no idea what to expect in the next season. If the plan was successful, then that would mean that nothing in the last five seasons has happened. If it failed, it would have left the DHARMA Initiative with just enough time to cement over the electromagnetism before it got too out of hand again.


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