Tuesday, May 18, 2010

6x14 "The Candidate" Island

1. With Locke and the remaining candidates on Hydra Island, he's now one step closer to leaving.

2. Again, why isn't Kate a candidate anymore? What did she do that made Jacob cross her name off?

3. Locke's lying. He can't kill the candidates himself. If he could, that would have been the first thing he did after Jacob died.

4. And now, Jin had his ring back.

5. The Monster knew how to disarm the C4 form having scanned Locke's back in "Walkabout." Remember in "Enter 77," Locke was able to successfully remove a block of C4 from the Flame.

6. Is it possible that Ben and Alpert were the ones who planted the C4?

7. And right before they take the submarine, Locke switches their backpacks. How come Jack didn't notice. There had to have been a weight difference plus the straps might feel different, etc.

8. Locke looked like his arms were having spasms as he pulled himself out of the water.

9. Jack is right. Locke can't kill them, but if someone were to tamper with the bomb that Locke planted, it would trigger the explosion.

10. What does Sayid mean by saying, "it's going to be you, Jack." Is Jack the true replacement for Jacob?

11. How ironic that Sayid, who Sawyer once accused of causing the plane crash, actually committed a suicide bombing to save everyone else.

12. So Jin chooses to stay with Sun for their final moments together while everyone else leaves the sub.

13. Sayid, Jin, Sun, and Lapidus are all dead. Now only Jack and Sawyer are the only two remaining candidates.


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