Tuesday, May 04, 2010

6x13 "The Last Recruit" Alternate 2004

1. How ironic that Ben Linus is escorting Locke to the hospital, when Ben originally killed Locke in the original timeline.

2. Sun seems to be remembering Locke as the monster from the original timeline.

3. Why does Kate insist on her innocence? Did her mother commit the murder this time?

4. I have to say that I like the romantic tension between Sawyer and Kate in this timeline. It feels like season one allover again.

5. There certain things I'm willing to believe about this show, but I can't believe that Desmond knew that Ilana was looking for Claire. There is just no way Desmond could have obtained that information unless he endangered attorney-client privilege.

6. Surprise, surprise, Sayid is arrested by Sawyer and Miles. More and more people are coming together now.

7. It seems that Jack and David are trying to be closer in the wake of the events in "Lighthouse," and it seems like it's working.

8. Sun and her baby have survived their ordeal. I didn't mention this in the last blog, but if Sun's stayed faithful to Jin in this timeline, then it means that Jin can have children. Sun also doesn't seem to remember having remembered Locke in the other timeline.

9. In this episode, Jack is remembering John Locke from the plane, and not from the original timeline.


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