Tuesday, April 06, 2010

6x10 - "The Package" Alternate 2004

1. In this reality, Jin and Sun aren't married. Jin, however, still works for Mr. Paik.

2. They are still in a relationship, and very much in love.

3. Sun seems to have no idea that her father is a shady businessman with dealings all over the world.

4. Sun still wants to run away to America, and she wants to take Jin with her.

5. So Keamy came to get Sun and Jin at their hotel. I guess that's what happens when you stand up a gangster.

6. Did Mr. Paik close Sun's bank account because of her relationship with Jin? I guess she's on the outs with him.

7. Oh wow. Jin was coned into paying Keamy to kill him. Mr. Paik is a cruel bastard.

8. Following the bloodbath from "Sundown" all Sayid leaves Jin with is a box-cutter to free himself.

9. Jin shot Mikhail in his bad eye.

10. Sun is pregnant, and she got shot? Wasn't she drinking champaign earlier?


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