Tuesday, March 09, 2010

6x06 "Sundown" Island

1. At the start of this episode, Sayid doesn't seem to be any different then he was before he was shot.

2. Sayid vs. Dogen = BEST FIGHT SCENE EVER!

3. Dogen can't bring himself to kill anyone directly because of his son.

4. FLocke is lying about reuniting Claire with Aaron. He also promised to help Sun get back to Jin and never made good on that promise either.

5. So the Monster this whole time was Evil Incarnate? Of all the times he has appeared in front of our castaways, he hasn't killed many people until this season.

6. And of course, stabbing Flocke doesn't work. Is there nothing that can kill this guy?

7. Is the Monster actually offering to bring Nadia back to life for Sayid?

8. If FLocke intends to leave the Island, then why does it matter if anyone stays?

9. Claire is singing "Catch A Falling Star."

10. Why isn't Kate telling Claire that Aaron is with his grandmother?

11. So Dogen nearly killed his son because he was driving drunk. Jacob offered to save the boy, but Dogen could never see him again as a result.

12. So now that Dogen's been drowned in the water, does that mean he is really dead?

13. Ben, Ilana, Sun, and Frank reach the Temple just as the Monster arrives. Talk about your bad timing.

14. Among the people leaving the Temple in FLocke's camp is Kate. Although I doubt she's leaving willingly.


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