Tuesday, February 23, 2010

6x04 "The Subsitute" Alternate 2004

This is a Locke-centric episode.

1. Wait a minute! WAIT A MINUTE! Locke is still with Helen, AND they're getting married? Locke must have had a totally different life.

2. Locke's father is invited to the wedding? Anthony Cooper is invited to the wedding?L

3. In this alternate timeline, Locke was never on vacation in Australia. He just blew off a conference to try to go on his walkabout.

4. Locke meets Hurley as the owner of the box company right after getting fired.

5. "Randy Nations? Yeah, that guy is a huge douche." -Hurley

6. So Hurley also owns a temp agency? He sure knows how to spend his money.

7. So Rose is in Hurley's employ? It looks like Hurley may very well be the thread connecting everybody in this alternate timeline.

8. In this timeline, Rose still has cancer. DO NOT WANT!

9. Locke's alarm clock sounds like the Hatch alarm.

10. Seems that Oceanic found Locke's knives. Did they do the same for Christian Shepherd's body?

11. At least one thing is still the same: John Locke was still denied his walkabout.

12. "There is no such thing" as a miracle? What does that mean about Jack's wife, Sarah?

13. Locke's new temp job is as a substitute teacher. Is it wrong that I want him to teach me about the human reproductive system?

14. Ben Linus is a history teacher, and feels tea is a gentleman's drink. I wonder what will become of this meeting?


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