Sunday, January 25, 2009

5x02 - "The Lie" Off Island

Prologue - Three Years Ago

1. This flashback takes place shortly before the emergence of the Oceanic Six.

2. Jack does have a point, the true story is a hard sell.

Present Day

The flashforward again takes place the day after "Because You Left."

Hurley and Sayid

1. Whoever was waiting at the safehouse did not want to kill Hurley or Sayid as they were armed with tranquilizer darts. Given the rift between Sayid and Ben, those people might have been in Ben's pocket.

2. So Hurley's seen Charlie, Eko, and now Ana-Lucia. She gives good directions. Why hasn't he seen Libby?

3. It's funny how Hurley claims he doesn't believe in lying. What has he been doing the past three years?

4. Seems that David Reyes is a fan of Expose. The tv series that N**** was a regular on.

5. Hurley's finally cracked. He finally told the truth.

Kate, Aaron and Sun

1. Kate pulled into the same gas station as Hurley and Sayid were pulling out. It's just like something that would happen in a FLASHBACK.

2. What brought Sun to LA? Is she the one filing the lawsuit against Kate and Aaron? Her timing seems suspicious.

3. Sun's waiting on the 31st floor. 3+1=4.

4. If Sun's right, then who is it that want's Aaron? Is it because he was born on the Island.

5. Sun's remark about Kate making "hard decisions when she has to" is a backhanded compliment.

Jack and Ben

1. Jack looks like he's already going through withdrawal. There's no way he was going to flush them away.

2. Jack has finally realized that there never was anything he had in his off Island life worth coming back to.

3. Why does Ben need to keep Locke's body safe?


1. Is Jill from the Island? Did she move the Island at one time?

2. Looks like Sayid's wound up right back in Ben's clutches.

3. How long has Ben been working for Ms. Hawking?

4. Hurley's decision to give himself up to the cops rather then go with Ben comes from Sayid's warning to "do the opposite" of whatever Ben tells you to do. What's really ironic is that scene has Ben at his most honest.

Mrs. Hawking

1. I like how her lab is in a church. It's a nice nod to the fact that science and faith have always collided on this show.

2. What happens if Ben can't get all of the six in 70 hours? Sounds like the end of the world.

5x02 - "The Lie" On Island

Time Shift Four - Sometime before the plane crash

1. Where did Sawyer get Neil's shirt from? I thought they were at an earlier time.

2. Any physical objects the castaways had with them during the initial time-shift came through with them.

3. According to Daniel, the bearing that one must head at in order to leave the Island changes depending on when one is attempting to leave the Island. That is why Michael had to head at a bearing of 325 but Frank had to stay on a bearing of 305 during all of last season.

4. Now Charlotte is having headaches and experiencing memory loss. What's happening to her and why isn't Daniel saying anything?

5. How did Miles just happen to come upon a dead boar?

6. Well here's one thing we learned about the original inhabitants of the Island: their main weapon of choice is flaming arrows.

7. Wow. Given how aggressive the DHARMA Initiative people seem to be I can see why the natives want them dead. I mean, they were going to cut off Juliet's arm BEFORE they would let her talk. That's poor interrogation skills and barbaric to boot.

8. Are they now in the time period we saw at the beginning of "Because You Left?" The Island has remained in that time for quite a while. Maybe it won't be too long in the season before Daniel gets to infiltrate DHARMA.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

5x01 - "Because You Left" On Island

With this new season of Lost, I've been forced yet again to change my format. It seems that for all intents and purposes the single character flashbacks and flashforwards have stopped entirely and the events of each episode will include the entire group. I will try to seperate the content of each blog to the best of my ability but for the on Island events, I'm just gonna wing it as much as I can.

Prologue - Sometime in the 1970's

1. Marvin Candle, now known ad Dr. Pierre Chang, is playing the song, "Shotgun Willie" by Willie Nelson.

2. I wonder if the child's name is Miles? Could he have been born on the Island?

3. We have four names for this character (including three aliases), Marvin Candle, Mark Whitman, Edgar Halliwax, and his real name Pierre Chang.

4. The purpose of the Arrow is to develop defensive strategies and gather information on the original inhabitants of the Island, or the as the DHARMA Initiative likes to call them, hostiles.

5. If the construction worker is deferring to Chang about their discovery while building the Orchid Station, then he must be in charge of operations on the Island. Where, then are the Degroots?

6. The frozen wheel is behind the wall. When turned, it sends the Island through time. Does it also send the Island through space?

7. If you can't change the past, then what is the point of manipulating time?

8. It seems possible that the Island stopped flashing our castaways at this specific point in time. That seems the only way for them to have been there long enough for Daniel Faraday to infiltrate DHARMA this deeply.

End of prologue

All events covered here will be covered from the point of view from the castaways. Everything starts after the Island moved initially. I will divide up the events through each "flash."

Time Shift Number One - Shortly before Eko's beechcraft crashed on the Island

1. It seems that Faraday, Charlotte, Miles, Sawyer, Juliet, Locke, and there rest of the castaways are moving through time. Why aren't the Others moving through time as well?

2. Faraday's motorboat was inside the radius of the flash, which is why they were able to reach the Island.

3. The lack of the beach camp is the indicator that the cast is back sometime prior to the crash.

4. According to Daniel, either the castaways are now unstuck in time, or the Island is.

5. The crash of the small plane supports my theory that the Island can also move through space, as well as time. How else could a small plane taking off from Nigeria reach an Island in the South Pacific? Answer: the Island wasn't always in the South Pacific and was at one time close to Nigeria.

6. Now it's John Locke's turn to climb the vines under the beechcraft. When he comes down, he finds Ethan.

7. It didn't take very long for Ethan to reach the plane.

Time Shift Number Two - Sometime after the hatch implosion, more specifically, a point in time after Ben turned the wheel.

1. Why can't time be altered?

2. What exactly was Daniel able to learn about the DHARMA Initiative prior to coming to the Island?

3. Richard seems to be able to tell when the next flash is coming.

4. When will Locke tell Richard about the bullet in this leg?

5 . Why aren't the Others moving through time?

6. That's the same Compass that Richard presented Locke with in the "Cabin Fever" flashback.

7. Why will Locke have to die?

8. The next time Locke and Richard meet, it will most likely be some time before John Locke was born or at least before Locke reached his current age.

Time Shift Number Three - Sometime between Desmond's arrival on the Island, and the crash of Oceanic Flight 815

1. Faraday knows that Desmond was in the hatch because Sawyer told him.

2. Why did Charlotte have a nosebleed?

3. I need to make it clear that Daniel took a total gamble when he knocked on the Hatch door. He couldn't have known that Desmond was in there at THAT TIME until Desmond opened the door.

4. Is this scene the explanation as to why Desmond is Daniel's constant?

5. Why don't the rules apply to Desmond? Is it because he turned the key at the end of season two.

6. Who is Daniel's mother? Could she be Mrs. Hawkins, the jewelry store owner?

The On Island events end with time shift number four.

A parting thought, the writers have been promising for the longest time that we will learn about Rousseau's past on the Island, the four-toed statue, the Adam and Eve corpses, etc. If the castaways are moving through time they could very actually see the answers to these questions, instead of simply learning them. It is for this reason that I believe that Season Five will be the Season of the Island.

5x01 - "Because You Left" Off Island

The Off Island events start immediately after the conclusion of "There's No Place Like Home."

Jack and Ben

1. Did things really go badly on the Island because Jack and the other castaways left the Island?

2. So Locke never sought out Ben? That makes no sense. Ben is the one person who could be the most instrumental in returning the Oceanic Six back to the Island.

Kate and Aaron

1. Who is Dan Norton representing, and what is their interest in Kate's relationship to Aaron?

2. Why wasn't Kate notified of this lawsuit beforehand?

3. Seems, like Kate's running away again. If she's taking the gun, she can't be planning to board a plane so where is she going?


1. Charles Widmore seems to have a great deal of influence to be able to bring Sun to a confined room.

2. The common interests between Sun and Charles Widmore is to kill Benjamin Linus. Then Sun isn't trying to get back to the Island.

Hurley and Sayid

1. Sometime between now and the time Sayid partnered with Ben, something happened to make Sayid isolate himself from Ben. I wonder what happened between them?

2. Who are the people waiting to ambush Sayid and Hurley and how did they know to wait for them? Are they connected to Widmore or has a new challenger entered the arena?

Desmond and Penelope

1. Clearly history has changed if Desmond had only just then remembered what Daniel Faraday told him on the Island.

2. Why are Desmond and Penelope living on a boat? Are in they in hiding form Ben?