Thursday, May 15, 2008

4x11 "Cabin Fever" Island

Locke, Hurley, and Ben

1. Hurley didn't realize that he was supposed to be leading the expidition!

2. If Horace is the one who built the cabin, wouldn't that make him Jacob? What's Jacob doing in Horace's cabin?

3. If Alex was born in 1988 and was taken from Rousseau a week later, that would mean that the purge happened sometime before then. However Horace claims to have been dead for twelve years, placing the purge in 1992.

4. If Ben didn't become the leader of the Others in "The Man Behind the Curtain," and Richard was the right hand man, who was the leader before Ben?

5. I think that Ben started thinking inwardly at some point during his time as the leader. When that happened, he fell out of Jacob's favor, and he stopped having the dreams and visions that Locke now has.

6. Why are Christian and Claire at the cabin but not Jacob? Where is Jacob?

7. If the Island can be moved to another location, then it explains why a plane taking off from Nigeria could crash on an Island in the south pacific - THE ISLAND WASN'T IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC AT THE TIME!

On the freighter

1. So the Monster only actually killed one of the soldiers.

2. Guns always misfire when pointed at Michael. His work's not done yet.

3. Keamy doesn't have Cabin Fever, he's just a hothead.

4. What is Widmore telling everybody? If he just hired a crew and told them ALL the truth, none of this would be happening!

5. Omar just recieved the morse code transmission from the beach.

6. There's no way that Sayid could get to the Island before the helicopter.

The Beach

1. Frank took an awful risk dropping the phone over the beach.

4x11 "Cabin Fever" Flashbacks

This is a Locke-centric flashback.

1. Emily Locke was 16 when she met Cooper. I wonder if he was trying to con her family.

2. John Locke was born 4 months early.

3. So baby John is immune to disease.

4. Did Richard always know about Locke?

5. The drawing of the screaming face next to the swirling cloud of black smoke reminds me of the Monster. Did Locke at one time have visions of the Island?

6. Why doesn't the hunting knife belong to Locke? It could mean that John, like Ben at his young age, was not ready to be on the Island despite being special.

7. Locke has a Geronimo Jackson poster in his locker.

8. At 16, Locke is still fighting his destiny to be a scientist. Given where he is now, it looks like he won.

9. What's Abbadon doing acting as an orderly? It seems that Alpert and Widmore are both interested in Locke.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

4x10 - "Something Nice Back Home" Island

The Beach

1. Jack's appendix is about to rupture on the Island. Why is this happening on an Island that can cure cancer?

2. Has Rose's cancer returned?

3. Why does Jack want Kate to hold the mirror?

4. "I'll break his fingers one at a time." - Jin
Now I want to see a Jin military flashback! So that's the deal he makes to get Sun off the Island. I knew he was still alive after the Six left the Island.

5. Are Jack and Juliet broken up now?

Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, and Miles

1. Why is Sawyer being so protective of Claire all of the sudden?

2. Miles seems to hear the whispers of the dead more clearly than the other characters on this show.

3. HOW THE HELL ARE WIDMORE MERCENARIES STILL ALIVE? I have never seen anyone take a full-on hit from the monster and walk away with only minor injuries to show for it!

4. What is Christian Shepherd doing holding Aaron? Why didn't he wake Claire?

5. Why did Claire leave Aaron?

38 episodes left...

4x10 - "Something Nice Back Home" Future

This is a Jack-centric flashforward.

1. Jack and Kate together! FINALLY! I wonder what made Jack change his mind about Aaron?

2. The passage from Alice In Wonderland seems to speak volumes about Jack. "I wonder if things changed in the night. Was I the same when I got up this morning?"

3. Hurley's still listening to Charlie. He makes regular visits during each day and delivers news about the future.

4. "You're not supposed to raise him, Jack." What is that supposed to mean? Why can't Jack raise Aaron?

5. Kate and Jack at one point actually got engaged!

6. So Christian Shepherd is appearing before Jack! That's why Jack was calling for him at the end of last season.

7. Jack asking Erika to write him a prescription for clonazepam, and then taking it with beer marks the start of Jack's personal downard spiral that brings him to the point where he is at the end of season 3.

8. Why is Kate trying to contact Sawyer? Is that even possible?

9. Why does Kate refer to Aaron as her son when she's around Jack?

38 episodes left...

Thursday, May 01, 2008

4x09 - "The Shape Of Things To Come" Future

This is a Ben-centric flash forward.

1. How exactly did Ben get directly from the Island to the Sahara Desert?

2. Why did Ben need to confirm the date (10/28/2005)? Is physical time travel actually possible?

3. In the short time Sayid's been off the Island (starting at roughly January 2005), Sayid rekindled his relationship with Nadia and married her. Dang! Sayid doesn't waste any time.

4. That was an actual traffic camera photograph. Ishmail Bakir was definitely in Los Angeles at the time of Nadia's murder. Assuming he's the killer, why would Charles Widmore have Nadia killed to begin with?

5. Whether or not Charles Widmore had Ishmail Bakir kill Nadia, it's clear that Ben manipulated Sayid into killing Bakir. The real question I have to ask is why does Ben need Sayid? The only reason I can think of is that all of the Others except for Ben are either dead or incapacitated and Sayid is a last resourt for this crusade that Ben's taken up.

6. Why exactly can't Ben just kill Widmore?

7. Why is Widmore having nightmares?

8. "The hunt is on for both of us." Is Ben unable to find his way back to the Island?

39 episodes left...