Thursday, May 08, 2008

4x10 - "Something Nice Back Home" Island

The Beach

1. Jack's appendix is about to rupture on the Island. Why is this happening on an Island that can cure cancer?

2. Has Rose's cancer returned?

3. Why does Jack want Kate to hold the mirror?

4. "I'll break his fingers one at a time." - Jin
Now I want to see a Jin military flashback! So that's the deal he makes to get Sun off the Island. I knew he was still alive after the Six left the Island.

5. Are Jack and Juliet broken up now?

Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, and Miles

1. Why is Sawyer being so protective of Claire all of the sudden?

2. Miles seems to hear the whispers of the dead more clearly than the other characters on this show.

3. HOW THE HELL ARE WIDMORE MERCENARIES STILL ALIVE? I have never seen anyone take a full-on hit from the monster and walk away with only minor injuries to show for it!

4. What is Christian Shepherd doing holding Aaron? Why didn't he wake Claire?

5. Why did Claire leave Aaron?

38 episodes left...


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