Tuesday, February 24, 2009

5x06 - "316" Off and On Island

Off Island

1. The first actual DHARMA station was built under a church. It was called the Lamp Post.

2. The equipment used in the Lamp Post was used to predict the next appearance of the Island. One could infer that the Mathematical Forecasting Institute of the Hanso Foundation was used for this purpose.

3. If the Island is always moving, then how is it not being seen by the outside world as it moves?

4. Could the equations used to predict the Island's movements have been determined by Enzo Valenzetti?

5. Ajira Airways, Flight 316, is the plane that flies over the Island. Could those water bottles found in an earlier Island timeshift be from that plane?

6. Why is it necessary for John Locke to act as a stand-in for Christian Shepherd?

7. Ben's run-in with Desmond in these past two episodes has led him to suspect that Penelope Widmore is nearby. He is now attempting to kill her.

8. Jack's grandfather is the only person who he actually says goodbye to before leaving for the Island.

9. The only logical person for Kate to leave Aaron with is Claire's mother, Aaron's biological grandmother.

10. What changed Kate's mind about staying off the Island?

11. Jack's tennis shoes were caught up in a tree in the pilot episode.

12. Judging from the wounds Ben's incurred, it seems his attempt on Penelope Widmore failed.

13. The way Jack talks to Locke as he puts Christian's shoes on Locke's feet makes it sound as thought Jack is only going back to the Island for Locke's sake and not his own.

14. How was Kate able to get on board a plane? Wasn't she on probation?

15. If Sun is getting on the plane by herself, does that mean she's left Ji Yeon with her grandmother.

16. Is Sayid being expedited to Guam?

17. Hurley is reading "Y The Last Man" in spanish. A comic written by Brian K. Vaughn.

18. What made Hurley decide to go back to the Island?

19. Why does Hurley have a guitar with him? Is it for Charlie?

20. Jack's starting to sound like he actually believes as John Locke did.

21. Frank Lapidus just happens to fly from LA to Guam all the time? Sounds like he was just asking to go back to the Island.

22. Locke's suicide note reads, "Jack, I wish you had believed me, JL."

On Island

1. Jack's arrival on the Island is very similar to the way he first arrived. Flat on his back in a field surrounded by bamboo and trees.

2. Hurley landed in the water, as did Kate. Where are the rest of the Six and what happened to the plane?

3. Jin's driving the Hurleymobile! And he's wearing a DHARMA jumpsuit. This means that the final timeshift landed those who stayed in the DHARMA era of the Island, while the Orchid was being constructed.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

5x05 - "This Place Is Death" On Island

Time-Shift Number Seven - sometime in November of 1988, now currently after Rousseau's arrival on the Island

1. Rousseau's team was attempting to reach the radio tower and call for help.

2. Rousseau was 7 months pregnant and they had already decided to name their child Alexander/Alexanderia.

3. Nadine was the first member of the team to get killed by the Monster.

4. Montand lost his arm as the monster tried to drag him away.

5. Is that structure the Monster pulled him toward the Temple that Ben made reference to in the last two seasons?

Time-Shift Number Eight - Sometime well after Montand was dragged to the Temple.

1. The hieroglyphs are the same as the ones found in the Swan Hatch.

2. The music box on the beach belongs to Rousseau. Sayid would later go on to fix it in the episode Solitary.

3. Rousseau has already killed the other members of her team.

4. Montand calls the structure the Temple. However on Ben's map, the Temple is marked with a DHARMA symbol, which suggests that a DHARMA station had been built there.

5. The Monster really did make Danielle's team sick. Robert, really did try to kill her in that scene.

Time-Shift Number Nine - time period unknown

1. Jin is finally reunited with the rest of the Castaways.

2. How has Jin been moving through time if he wasn't on the Island when it moved?

Time-Shift Number Ten - time period unknown

1. Nothing happens except for another time-shift.

Time-Shift Number Eleven - time period unknown

1. Why does Charlotte believe that the Island is death?

2. Charlotte's reliving past memories from childhood and college.

Time-Shift Number Twelve - Sometime after the construction of the Orchid DHARMA station

1. Charlotte's also a fan of Gerionmo Jackson.

Time-Shift Number Thirteen - Sometime prior to the construction of the Orchid DHARMA station

1. The only way to reach the frozen wheel is to climb down the well.

2. It's now confirmed at this point that Charlotte was born on the Island.

3. She was with the DHARMA Initiative and left with her mother.

4. So Daniel tried to change history in spite of the "rules" in place regarding time travel by telling Charlotte not to come back.

5. Jin spent the first four seasons trying to get Sun of the Island because he believes the Island is dangerous.

Time-Shift Number Fourteen - Sometime prior to the construction of the Orchid DHARMA station but after the destruction of the well.

1. How can Elouise Hawking help the people on the Island? What exactly can she do?

2. So John Locke was the one who had to move the Island. Why didn't Christian tell him how at the cabin.

3. It IS possible to return to the Island AFTER moving it. Another lie on Ben's list.

4. Did Ben deliberately damage the wheel in order to retain his power?

5x05 - "This Place Is Death" Off Island

As with all off Island events thus far in this season, this episode picks up where the previous one left off.

1. This is the first time we've actually seen Ji Yeon at her current age.

2. Is Sun planning to kidnap Aaron? Why was he in the car with her?

3. Locke must have given Jin's wedding ring to Ben. That is the only proof that Jin could be alive.

4. What exactly has Ben been doing to protect everyone?

5. How did Ben know that Locke left the Island?

6. Desmond's arrival confirms that Elouise is Faraday's mother, but he's not there to go back to the Island. This confirms that Elouise Hawking is Daniel's mother.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

5x04 - "The Little Prince" Off Island

Three Years Ago on the Searcher

1. It's two days after their rescue.

2. The lie about Aaron is all Kate's idea.

Present Day

1. Sun's been in LA to stalk Ben. Cleaver touch to hide the gun under the chocolates.

2. Mr. Norton's client is Ben Linus. Was he at one time an Other on the Island?

3. I would still like to know what happened between Ben and Sayid.

4. Jack looks like he's starting to go through withdrawal symptoms.

5. Who sent the hitman after Sayid and why does he also have Kate's address? Ben has nothing to gain by doing this to him or Kate so it must be Widmore. Either that or another challenger has entered the arena.

6. Why is Dan Norton representing Mrs. Littleton in her lawsuit against Oceanic? Does he know who Aaron really is?

7. How does Littleton not know about Aaron at this point in the game?

8. I wonder if Norton has influence with the judge in Hurley's case.

9. Ben's idea must be to take Aaron and return to the Island by force.

5x04 - "The Little Prince" On Island

Still in Time-Shift Number Five

1. If the flashes are throwing their internal clocks off, why is it causing the nosebleeds and seizures?

2. Why is the absence of the Oceanic Six impacting the Island?

3. It would seem that Charlotte's memory loss is getting worse.

4. Time-Shift Number five is confirmed to be taking place during the events of the season one episodes, "Deus Ex Machina," and "Do No Harm." The indicator is the light shining from the hatch.

5. Is Charlotte past all the symptoms of time skip syndrome?

6. The second indicator of when the castaways are is that Claire is currently delivering Aaron.

Time-Shift Number Six - sometime after discovery of the DHARMA VAN

1. Why is Faraday questioning the amount of time Miles spent on the Island? Is Miles Dr. Candle's son?

2. Who arrived on the Island in that lifeboat?

3. Who's shooting at the castaways in their lifeboat? Are they connected to to Ajira Airways?

Time-Shift Number Seven - sometime in the year 1988, shortly before Rousseau's arrival on the Island

1. JIN'S ALIVE! I ALWAYS KNEW HE WAS ALIVE! But how is it that he is moving through time as well?

2. Danielle Rousseau and the rest of her team reached the Island on a life raft.

3. So Rousseau lied when she told Sayid that she had never seen another person on the Island.

Monday, February 02, 2009

5x03 - "Jughead" On Island

Time Shift Number Four continued

Daniel, Miles, and Charlotte

1. Why are the Others dressed in military garb? Who could they have gotten it from?

2. According to Miles, the fresh grave they walked over contained four U.S. soldiers. When did the United States learn of the Island and why?

3. The U.S. military brought a hydrogen bomb to the Island.

4. The bomb is codenamed "Jughead."

5. Daniel is in love with Charlotte (it's finally confirmed in this episode).

6. According to Richard, the original battalion would not leave the Island peacefully, so he killed them. That could explain where they got the military uniforms and weapons from.

7. Given the thick wall of concrete found in the Swan station it would seem the Others followed Faraday's directions.

8. Is the young woman escorting Daniel to the bomb Teresa? If so how did she get off the Island?

Locke, Sawyer, and Juliet

1. Latin is the language all Others know. Why would Juliet, an outsider have learned to speak it from them?

Locke and Richard

1. So Jacob was even alive back in the 50's. Seems like he's immortal in the same fashion as Richard.

2. So the other who escaped Locke, Sawyer and Juliet, is a young Charles Widmore. Seems like he always has had a "shoot first ask questions later" approach for dealing with outsiders.

3. According to Richard, the year is 1954. This is the first time we are given an actual year for an Island Time Shift.

Time Shift Number Five - Approximate time unknown

1. Seems that Charlotte's deteriorating condition is made increasingly worse by the Island's time shifts. If this is the case, why aren't the other castaways affected by this?

5x03 - "Jughead" Off Island

All Off Island events revolve around Desmond in this episode.

1. Approximately one year after Desmond left the Island, he married Penelope, and she gave birth to their son whom they named Charlie.

Present Day

1. Why isn't Daniel Faraday listed in Oxford's records?

2. Why isn't Desmond able to remember the year he met Faraday (1996)?

3. Who's keeping Daniel's equipment in storage?

4. It seems that Teresa Spencer is unstuck in time the same way Desmond was in "the Constant."

5. What's Charles Widmore's interest in time travel?

6. Written in the painting to the left of Charles Widmore's desk is the word "namaste," the hindi greeting that the DHARMA Initiative are also known to use.

7. Why is Charles so eager to give Desmond the location of Faraday's mother?