Sunday, April 22, 2007

3x17 - "Catch 22" Present

Wow, I haven't really had to divide my blog amongst two groups of characters in a while. Who should I do first?

Desmond, Charlie, Hurley, and Jin

1. Desmond's flash - Charlie trips one of Rousseau's traps causing a crossbow to fire an arrow at his neck, then things rewind and we see Hurley lifting up the electrical cable, a red light blinking in the night sky, the photograph of Desmond and Penelope, and Charlie, Jin, and Hurley holding the paracheute cloth to catch the mystery woman as she falls, and one final shot of Penelope as the flash ends.

2. Now that I think about it, Jin really seems to be fitting in with the other survivors. Starting from season one and going foward: he was on the raft that he helped build, he assisted Sayid with sailing Desmond's boat, he helped repair the van, and most recently joined this party of four on a trek through the jungle.

3. How did the mystery woman, Naomi (according to TLC) manage to eject and get so far over from the helicopter? Unless I'm mistaken, her helicopter broke apart while it was still over the ocean.

4. Naomi was carrying that photograph of Desmond and Penelope in a portiguese copy of "Catch 22." Does this mean that she's part of that group of people we saw at the end of season 2?

5. This clearly proves that Penelope was indeed searching for the Island with the goal of finding Desmond. How does she know that he could be there? I doubt her father would have told her. Furthermore, does this mean that Charles Widmore sabatoged the "Elizabeth" so the Desmond would wind up on the Island?

6. Where did the helicopter launch from? Is there another outpost close by?

7. What exactly does Widmore know about the Island?

Kate, Jack, Sawyer, Juliet

The love-(insert correct shape analogy here), between these four got interesting here. Kate had sex with Sawyer to try and to forget about Jack and Juliet or make Jack jealous. I'm annoyed at people who critized the writers for throwing in "too much sex." I recall reading an article last summer in which Carlton Cuse said that it was there plan to have some of the characters enter sexual relationships. It only looks like they may be jumping the shark cuz the ratings are lower then last year, but this seems to be all part of the writers' plan.

Parting thoughts: Brian K. Vaughn, welcome to the Lost writing staff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how Jin is fitting in. He's really become a part of the group that everyone likes, and he's also become extremely helpful. I also really like that he can have a form of communication with those who can't speak with him, and people seem to get it. Penelope had to have something to do with Naomi, but do you think it was for Desmond alone. Maybe it's something else, and she has hope that he's there, but not much. Maybe she's trying to take down her father, I've always kind of thought that.


Friday, April 27, 2007 8:51:00 AM  
Blogger Sage said...

That's an interesting theory about Penelope. Maybe there's something on the Island that could help her accomplish that goal?

Friday, April 27, 2007 9:58:00 PM  

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