Sunday, April 22, 2007

3x17 - "Catch 22" Flashbacks

1. Desmond was a monk before he met Penny.

2. Campbell mentions the fact that the winery, Moriah Vinyerds took their name from the mountain where Abraham was asked to kill Issac. That ultimately proved to be God testing Abraham's faith, which makes me wonder, would Charlie not die if Desmond were to ignore his flashes?

3. Desmond was engaged before he met Penny? It's not suprising that he left her at the altar and "ran away." Running away is a constant theme in Desmond's flashbacks.

4. What did Campbell believe Desmond's greater destiny to be? It almost sounds like it could be something greater then pushing the button and turning the key doesn't it?

5. Kudos to the Lost Community for this one - there's a photograph of Campbell and Mrs. Hawking (did I get that right) in this episode. I'm going to argue that she does in fact run the jewerly store that Desmond attempted the buy his engagement ring for Penelope. Could she be a relative of Campbell's and therefore share a similar clairevoyance?

6. Charles Widmore sure drinks a lot of wine. Could he be an alcoholic?


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