Sunday, May 06, 2007

3x19 "The Brig" Flashbacks

8 Days Ago

1. Over a year ago, shortly before season 2 began, I had hashed out a theory that Locke was so dedicated to discovering the secrets of the Island that he would even go so far as to join the Others to achieve that goal. I still have the Myspace email I sent if anyone here doubts me.

2. So Locke never tried to convince the Others to take Kate with them. Why did he lie to her?

3. I didn't know that Anthony Cooper was a cannibal. He seemed to have a hunger for his own son.

3 Days Ago

1. Cindy says the everyone at the Others' camp has been waiting for John. Why?

2. Ben seems very trusting of Locke. He tells Locke flat out that they're planning a raid on the camp.

3. How did Locke help Ben to regain his ability to walk? What does Ben mean by the fact that the Island can do so much more?

4. Why is Ben trying to get Locke to kill out of revenge? Vengence doesn't always bring closure to the so-called avenger. I find this strange seeing how the Others as a group took no revenge over the deaths of Ethan, Goodwin, Colleen, and Pickett.

5. Is that supposed to be a totem pole that Cooper is tied to?

2 Days Ago

1. Locke's wound healed almost as quickly as Ben's legs. How is the Island doing this?

2. Locke's recovery from his spinal injury as a result of being on the Island means he's "very special." How so?

3. So Richard is also secretly against Ben. He called the fertility problems a novelty. How is that a novelty? What purpose are the Others really on the Island for? How do the Others know that it was specifically Anthony Cooper who played the real Sawyer?


1. "It's your mess, why would we clean it up?" "Don't tell me what I can't do." Do the Others really know the Castaways that well?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought that the kill Anthony Cooper thing was all a con to get Sawyer (don't really ask me why though) to kill him. They knew that John wouldn't be able to do it, but they knew that sawyer would, so they had to make it seem like he couldn't get what he wanted (more info, commune with the island, etc.) unless he got rid of him. It's also an interesting parrallel to the first Locke story of this season where he was supposed to kill someone for the good of the family. Locke's found another way to do what he needs to get done, by conning, just like Ben.


Tuesday, May 08, 2007 8:54:00 AM  

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