Wednesday, March 14, 2007

3x11 - "Enter 77" Present

I hate to say it but this was more of an X-Files episode then a Lost episode. We saw things but we have no idea as to what exactly we saw, and now it's all gone.

1. The compass bearing from Eko's stick is valid. Heading north introduced us to the Flame station.

2. Mikhail Bakunin is one of the others but I don't believe that he is from the Island. I believe the story he told about how he got to the Island is true. The Others clearly are not DHARMA, and given what we learned in "Not In Portland," I think they may truly be a different group altogether.

3. The Others are what DHARMA considered to be "hostiles." Apparently they were so hostile that they chose to conduct an all-out war, or "purge" as they called it against the Others. DHARMA clearly was all but wiped out (Kelvin was still alive), and it's possible that other surviving members of the DHARMA were assimilated into the Others.

4. The curious thing about Locke winning the chess game is that the game does not end in checkmate! According to Lostpedia, the final board is actually from "a match between Anatoli Karpov and Garry Kasparov from the 1985 World Championship. In that match, called the "Brisbane Bombshell" Kasparov, playing black, defeated Karpov in 40 moves. Incidentally, that game did not end in checkmate, but in a resignation by Karpov. The board, as shown on the show, had two valid moves for the computer." - Yet the computer says "Checkmate." Curious.

5. The lower level of the Flame was filled with information about the DHARMA Initiative! It was all there! Unlike the Swan which had a badly edited Orientation film, this one appeared to be the main base of operations.

6. JOHN LOCKE IS A FUCKING MORON! What did he think was going to happen when he entered 77? Sayid had to have told him about the C4! Think about it Johnny boy: a building wired with C4 + emergency computer command = BOOM! If I'm right, there won't be any more food drops as a result or any mainland communication after this incident! John Locke may have just destroyed the last hope for the survivors to leave the island.

7. What was Ms. Klugh doing there? Was she Mikhail's commanding officer? The translation for the dialogue between her and Mikhail clearly indicates that she was giving him orders to kill her. I have to wonder what she was doing there in the first place. Was she trying to fix the satellite dish?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kinda like that chess thing frankly, in that I like to think that Locke didn't win, he just kinda stumbled onto the menu by chance when he thought he was winning. I think Locke is going Psycho, and I love it. I don't exactly know what you mean by the x-files comment, but that's because I never got to watch the show (we didn't get fox), but I think I see what you're saying. I thought that it was a pretty great episode, It would seem to me that you liked it as well. I believe patchy myself, too, and some Locke stuff is cleared up, now that we've seen this week's episode. Exciting.


Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:32:00 PM  
Blogger Sage said...

A typical X-Files Mythology episode would basically consist of Mulder and Scully finding some huge piece/wealth of evidence of the government/alien conspiracy. By the end of the episode, we may have learned more about said conspiracy, but the evidence is usually gone, leaving M&S back at square one. That's why I say the destruction of the Flame was an X-Files moment (great show btw).

Stay tuned for my next blog.

Thursday, March 15, 2007 7:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep wondering if Kelvin was brought in after the purge or before the purge. The fact that purge is true raises a lot of question about what Radzynski (forgive my buthcering of his name) was doing, especially in relation to patchy, such as that glass eye and such. Also, that wouldn't have been the incident, right? I want to equate the two, but I feel that might be jumping to some conclusions.


Friday, March 23, 2007 10:14:00 AM  
Blogger Sage said...

I can't say for sure but I think that ANYONE who was in the Swan station was unaware of the purge. You may recall that in one of the missing pieces of the Orientaion film, Candle says that the computer is not to be used to contact other DHARMA stations.

Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:23:00 AM  

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