Wednesday, October 18, 2006

3x3 - "Further Instructions" Flashbacks

I'm rewriting this blog since I had more time to think about the flashbacks and I've just watched the episode again. G also pointed out certain things that I didn't realize before.

1. It's curious to see Locke with marijuana farmers in the first place. He almost seems at times like the present John Locke given that he's ditched his anger. Clearly a lot of time has passed between this flashback and the "Lockdown" flashback because he's very happy with his life at this point.

2. Eddie chose Locke as his way into the group. I'm going to say that Locke got conned again here (yes I'm using the word "con") this time being used to unwittingly allow an undercover cop to infiltrate the group Locke's a part of. I ask again, why is Locke living with these guys anyway?

3. Locke must have been so sure that he was a hunter that he didn't see a need to use the sweatlodge. Given the criteria established in this episode, knowing how to point and shoot a gun does not make one a hunter. Eddie basically tells Locke, "you won't shoot me because you're not a hunter?" Is that supposed to mean that one must be able to kill another person in order to be a hunter?

4. "You're a good person." Again with describing people in terms of "good" and "bad." We've since learned that the criteria that defines people on this show isn't as black and white as it seems because Kate and Sawyer each murdered at least one person yet the Others wanted them, while they didn't wanted Ana-Lucia even though she murderd one person and killed two Others in self-defense. Locke apparently never killed anyone despite having a handgun in his possesion during this flashback.

5. G mentioned the fact that Locke didn't clean up his mess being the parallel to the present situation in which John actually cleans up his mess concerning Eko and the Hatch. I agree with that assessment but I'm still curious as to what will happen to Locke in his next flashback assuming they plan to continue that story arc.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the idea here with these flashbacks is that Locke didn't clean up his mess last time and let the kid go. He is now making up for it by rescuing Mr. Eko. I like that it's so very dark to say that he made a mistake in not killing, what most would call, a good guy. It ads some perspective to the idea of what each of them calls a goodguy and a badguy, and it also shows that he's growing up, even at this point in his life. We never saw him go inot a sweatlodge in a flashback, but on the island he does. If he ever did go in then, he got it wrong, as he couldn't play the part he was told about in the lodge, but now he can. I also just think it's interesting that he was involved with marijuana in anyway.


Friday, October 20, 2006 1:38:00 PM  
Blogger Sage said...

Yeah you're right. I didn't think too much about the flashback in relation to the what's happening on the Island at the time. Another thing to think about is the fact that the cops chose Locke for their sting operation, and how it seems like he keeps getting used by others. That last scene actually mirrors last weeks scene with Sun and Colleen and... ugh! I'm probably gonna rewrite this entire blog.

Friday, October 20, 2006 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think those are all great points and there's still a ton of questions, as there usually is. I somehow get the feeling that this might be the reason why Locke is paralyzed, but of course, last season I thought the two gentlemen after his father would be that reason. Only time will tell, I suppose. It feels like a lot of the flashbacks this season are leading up to something bigger, I'm very curious what all those things will be.


Monday, October 23, 2006 3:17:00 PM  
Blogger Sage said...

We're getting closer to that revelation. You can tell that the color of Locke's hair in the flashback has gone gray which indicate that he's clearly older then he was in his previous flashbacks. Also, thus far, all of Locke's flashbacks have been moving progressively foward.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:23:00 PM  

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