Friday, June 23, 2006

2x23 "Live Together, Die Alone" (Current)

(edit) The title of this blog is 2x23 "Live Together, Die Alone" (Current) (end edit)

Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, and Michael:

1. Did that freakish bird scream out "Hurley?" I can't say for sure but the second time around it almost did sound like it did, and not "after it crapped gold."

2. Michael didn't lead them to the Other's camp, but to an entirely different location. It seems that the Others are able to think 3, 4, even 5 moves ahead of the survivors.

3. WTF is with the Others? They didn't seem to care all that much that Kate knew the truth about Mr. Friendly. In fact they don't even care if any of the castaways learned any of their names. Although Henry Gale seemed to be concerned that Tom (aka Mr. Friendly) didn't have his beard when he arrived.

4. Are Michael and Walt really going to leave the Island? I'd sure hope not. I'd sure like to know what happened to Walt this past season.

5. The Others aren't interested in Hurley it seems. Could it have anything to with the numbers?

6. We know of at least four people the Others are interested in: Jack, Sawyer, Kate, and Locke. They could have captured all four of them at once, without any elaborate schemes, in "the Hunting Party," but they didn't. Why not?

Locke and Desmond

1. Desmond crashed the plane! Wow that's some powerful magnet.

2. According to the official podcast for this episode, putting the emergency key into that switch caused that white flash, which made the island visible to the outside world for a brief moment.

3. What is the fate of Locke, Desmond, and Eko? Are they dead? Alive? OH THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!

Sayid, Jin, and Sun

1. Traveling around the Island, the encounter a giant stone foot with only four toes. Is this part of a statue of Homer Simpson?

2. It's clear from the emptiness of the Other's camp that they are highly nomadic. They close up shop and move to a new location whenever someone could get close enough to spot them. However it does not explain the lack of the Hatch that they keep guarded.

The "Challah"

1. According to the official podcast those scientists are speaking Brazilian Portuguese which means that they are from Brazil, so one could assume that they are in the Anartic.

2. The numbers on the computer screen is actually 4x8x15x16x23x42.

3. The white flash is what registered on their computer.

4. Why is Penelope Widmore looking for the Island? Some people I've spoken to about this believe that she may still be searching for Desmond, but the next question would be, "how does she even know that he is still alive?"

Final thoughts for season two:

1. Hopefully this show will expend most of the mythology during the Lost Experience. I say that because I'd like to see the show get back to the character development that made season one so brilliant.

2. With Jack, Sawyer, and Kate captured, maybe we'll see what happened to the tailies that got caputred.

3. If you wanna talk degrees of separation, the DHARMA Initiative is funded by the Hanso Foundation, which is affiliated with the Widmore Corporation. According to "Bad Twin" the New York headquaters of the Hanso Foundation is located on the 42nd floor of the Widmore Corporation building. The Widmore Corporation can be located on the 47th floor, the top floor. This could imply that it is not Hanso, but that Widmore is the "man behind the curtain."


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