Thursday, October 05, 2006

3x1 - "A Tale of Two Cities" Current

Okay this is way more worthwhile then the Jack-centric flashbacks.

1. The Others clearly handpicked each "prison" for Jack, Kate and Sawyer to wake up in. Kate wakes up in a shower, Sawyer wakes up in a Skinner-box (google B.F. Skinner for more information), and Jack wakes up in an interrogation room.

2. Ben tells Kate that the next two weeks will be hell on earth for her. Why tell only her and not Jack and Sawyer. Does have a crush on Kate (he's not gonna be the new love interest for Kate that I read about, is he?)? Or does he think that Kate is not going to be able to handle what is coming next.

3. Oooooooooooooo, so THAT'S where the polar bears came from. In the spirit of six degrees of seperation, Sawyer is probably in the same cage as the polar bear he killed in the pilot episode. Clearly the Others mean to taunt him by putting him there, but why only Sawyer?

4. The Others clearly have an information pipeline to the outside world. There is no way that the DHARMA Initiative could be able to continue without an outside world lifeline. Which means in this reality, AND NOT THE REALITY THAT IS THE LOST EXPERIENCE, the DHARMA Initiative is still an ongoing project.

Afterthoughts: Who are the Others? No really, who are they and what do they really want with the "good ones?" Whatever it is, they're not looking for new members to join their book club.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

about point 4, What if the dharma initiative is in a maintaining, as opposed to ongoing, state and that the others (at least some of them) are all that remnents of it. That is to say, that they have the knowledge of the DHARMA initiative, but aren't a part of it, or are there solely to make sure that no more bad things occur, such as another incident. Also, maybe the DHARMA iniative doesn't even know they are there, they just think people are still pushing the button.


Friday, October 13, 2006 6:24:00 PM  
Blogger Sage said...

You're probably right. Otherwise the replacements for Kelvin and Radzinsky should have arrived to find 40+ people using the Swan by now. If the Others aren't Dharma, logic suggests that they're either from Hanso or Widmore. Hopefully we'll find out more tonight.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006 7:06:00 AM  

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