Wednesday, October 11, 2006

3x2 - "The Glass Ballerina" Flashbacks

Now this was a better flashback then Jack's. I say this because so little of who Jin and Sun actually were before they were on the Island is conveyed to us in the present, so it's a big shocker every time we see them in a flashback. You never know what to expect.

1. So Sun slept with Jae. No real suprise there, she had been coming to him for English lessons well after she became fluent. She got suprised big time by the sudden arrival of her father.

Thoughts: Okay people, I know exactly what the writers want you to think and I have to say, in the immortal words of Dj Dan, SHUTDOWN! Come on people, OF COURSE IT'S JIN'S CHILD! Think back to ALL the medical miracles we have seen on the Island - Locke walking, Rose being cured of cancer, Charlie coming back from a literal death experience (we all saw it, he stopped breathing), and it only makes sense that Jin should therefore be cured of his infertility!

2. Jae commited suicide in shame for having slept with Sun. That would explain why he was clutching the necklace he tried to give to Sun in that flashback sequence. I don't think that Mr. Paik would have sent a back-up hitman because he clearly trusts Jin implicitly at this point in the storyline.

3. Mr. Paik does not tell Jin that Sun cheated on him. What's up with that? If you ever read the Godfather, you learn all about how one does not interfere with a marriage in ANY way, not even if the husband is abusing the wife, even if the wife is Vito Corlone's daughter. I imagine that the same standard is being applied here as Mr. Paik says, "it is not my place to tell him."

Afterthoughts: Clearly Jin and Sun are much happer, and possibly in less danger on the Island then they are in the real world.


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