Sunday, May 27, 2007

3x22 - "Through the Looking Glass" Present(?)

Sayid, Jin, Bernard, Locke, and Jack's crew
1. Tense moments all around for the Losties. Jin sums up the reason for fighting the Others perfectly and in perfect english. "We have to go home." How many of the people in Jack's group are armed for their trek to the radio tower?

2. It seems the teams that were sent to extract the women had military training at some point in their lives. That would explain why they were able to sneak up on the tallies during the first 48 days. If Juliet hadn't told Jack what was happening, they could have been gone before anyone knew they were there.

3. Bernard isn't a very tough not to crack, he told them everything and they didn't need to press him for it.

4. Sawyer's so concerned about Kate that he's worried she might be pregnant. So worried that he doesn't use any nicknames when talking to her anymore.

5. Sawyer teaming up with Juliet? Juliet kissing Jack? This all seemed wrong just a few episodes ago.

6. Why are the Others building a runway?

7. Why did the Island appear to Locke in the form of Walt instead of Boone? Or could that have really have been Walt?

8. Jack really loves Kate, so why is he with Juliet?

9. How could Rousseau want to stay on the Island after all the suffering she has been through? I would think that she would rather return to the real world then stay there.

10. What makes Ben think he can get through to Jack? He has to know that Jack is the most stubborn out of all the castaways.

11. Who is Naomi working for if she's not working for Widmore? Why does she have a photograph of Desmond and Penelope? Why does her employer know about the Island and why are they looking for it? How does Ben know all this?

12. Ben's right about Jack having nothing worthwhile to go back to in his old life.

13. The long awaited meeting between Alex and Rousseau is finally here!

14. The Hurleymobile returns! The deaths of the Tom, Pryce and Jason, and the sucessful rescue of Sayid, Jin and Bernard means a total victory for the Losties! It's been a long time coming.

15. Since the Looking Glass blocked all transmissions except for the Others' one frequency, it would explain why Rousseau's transmission was never recieved.

16. Why is Locke so determined to keep everybody on the Island? Why was Jack "not supposed to do this?"

17. Minkowski is the man who answered the phone and said he could even trace the call back to it's origin point. Was it really that easy to find the Island?

Charlie and Desmond

1. Charlie is one tough nut to crack. That's what happens when you live a day like it's your last.

2. Was it just me, or is Mikhail a really bad shot? He actually forced Desmond to go into the Looking Glass. How was Desmond able to sneak into that locker?

3. Mikhail says that Bonnie and Greta were supposed to be on assignment in Canada. How much work do the Others do off the Island, and why all the allusions to our neighbors to the north? You have Ethan who is from Ontario, and Nathan (they didn't say where he was from).

4. Seems the rest of the Others did not know that the Looking Glass was still working, let alone not being flooded. What is Ben up to?

5. Doesn't it look like Mikhail's right eye has been permantly shut?

6. Why is the code the notes for "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys? Who was the musician that programmed the keypad? Was it Brian Wilson? Now we know why only Charlie could enter the code.

7. So for all the things Mikhail can do, work with communications equpiment, treat injuries, and basically everything else a soldier can do, the one thing he can't seem to do is DIE! I could understand the sonic barrier, but I can't understand how he is still alive after taking a spear to the chest!

8. So Penelope Widmore knows the frequency to contact the DHARMA Initaitve but she doesn't know that they're on an Island? Apparently she didn't even know that Desmond was there, or about Naomi?

9. Long live Charlie Pace. He sacrifced himself to save Desmond and even managed to scribble "NOT PENNY'S BOAT" before the room completely flooded. In an episode full of heroes, Charlie is the greatest one of them all!

Ben, and Alex

1. Apparently Ben has been lying to even his own people about the Looking Glass. This kind of leadership is something I'd expect from John Locke. Why didn't it occur to Ben that Juliet would betray him?

2. So Ben now knows Alex and Karl betrayed him too. Actually, Alex has been betraying Ben for quite a while. She freed Claire, and she helped Kate and Sawyer escape.

3. What is this temple that Ben is sending Richard and the rest of the Others to? Is it another Dharma station or is it an actual temple. Why isn't Ben telling his people what really happened at the beach last night?

4. Who are these new forces that want to get to the Island? Why isn't Ben telling anyone about this situation? Why is Ben ordering Mikhail to kill Bonnie and Gretta and why is Mikhail so trusting of Ben?

5. Ben didn't want Karl to get Alex pregnant? I think the attempted brainwashing of Karl was too exreme, even with what's at stake.

6. Why is Ben choosing to give Alex back to Rousseau now?

7. Why did Ben decide to fake the deaths of Sayid, Jin and Bernard instead of actually having them killed? The teams that went to the beach clearly had live ammo, so it's not like the Others have qualms about killing.

Parting thoughts: Where do I begin? This was such a feel good, happy episode that I was just waiting for everything to go to hell at the end. The Losties completely defeated the Others, killing the team sent to the beach, and disabling the Looking Glass. It all happened so well that I was on my feet for the last 45 minutes. I doubt it's still going to be smooth sailing from here on out though. The Others might still be looking to retilate, and there are still a good deal of questions to answer about the Island. Whatever happens next, I'll still be here blogging away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Jack is with Juliet because he gave up on Kate and is now trying to protect her, and move on, and finding and loving someone else may seem like the best idea to him.

I also think Ben thinks he can convince them, because he's a lot like Jack. In the way that are black and white version of the same characters, Ben and Jack may be that to each other.

Great Episode, agreed.


Thursday, May 31, 2007 10:15:00 AM  
Blogger Sage said...

Ben would be a lot more like John Locke then Jack. They are both people who want to protect the Island, by any means necessary. Both of them go through great lengths to try and cut the Island off from the outside world, which includes preventing any potential rescue and are even willing to lie about and sacrifice their own people to keep the Island "safe."

You could say that Ben and Jack have the same stubbornness and trust issues but that's about as far as it goes. Ben is far more manipulative and calculating then Jack, and even willing to kill scores of people to achieve his end, something I don't think Jack is truly capable of.

Saturday, June 02, 2007 9:28:00 AM  

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