Friday, February 01, 2008

4x01 - "The Beginning Of The End" Future

This season will only have eight episodes. Allow me to remind you as to why:

1. This is a Hurley-centric flash foward.

2. It seems that Hurley finally fixed that car from "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead." Why was Jack so interested in Hurley's run-in with the law?

3. Jack was mixing alcohol with his orange juice!*

4. "One of the Oceanic Six?" We have Hurley, Kate, and Jack but who are the rest? Why was Hurley even alerting his arresting officers to that fact? Are they immune from prosecution?

5. The interrogating officer was Ana-Lucia's partner.

6. I don't talk about the opening credits but Dominic Monaghan is still listed as a regular. I wonder what capacity he'll be on the show.

7. Was that image of Charlie breaking through the glass real or fake?

8. Is Hurley in the same mental hospital as before? If so, then where's Lenoard?

9. Who exactly is Matthew Abbadon? An attourney for a major company wouldn't leave his business card at home. Why is he offering to put Hurley in a better institution. Why is he asking if the other survivors are still alive? What is the official story about the plane crash?

10. Is that really Charlie? Other people can see him so it's not a hallucination! He says "I am dead, but I'm also here." What does that even mean? Was Charlie fished out of the Looking Glass? What does he mean by saying "they need you, Hugo?" What does Hurley have to do?

11. "Checking to see if I was gonna tell?" Tell what? What are the Oceanic Six not telling the public?

12. "I think it wants us to come back." What is this "it?" Is it the Island? The Monster perhaps? Why is Jack so sure that they're never going back?

47 episodes left...

Some post-ep analysis: If Hurley is driving that specific car, then that would mean that Hurley patched things up with his father. We can even assume that Hurley is happy in his life after leaving the Island coming into this flash-foward. Is that why he is running from the thing Charlie says he needs to do?

*I need to explain my thinking here. Prior to boarding flight 815, Jack was drinking at the airport bar. He had at one maybe two drinks there and at least one more on the plane before Cindy gave him two extra mini-bottles just moments before the crash. I think this is actually the start of the downward spiral, a downward spiral which got interrupted as a result of the crash, and resumed after Jack returned to Los Angeles, taking Jack to the rock bottom we see him in "Through The Looking Glass."


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