Saturday, November 22, 2008

4x14 "There's No Place Like Home" Part 3 Future

WHOO HOO! I FINALLY GOT THIS BLOG WRITTEN! Having a life sucks when I can't keep this blog. I'm gonna post this now, then I'm gonna clear out the cobwebs and dust that have accumilated since my last post.

Note: The flashforwards in this episode take place immediately after those in TNPLH part 2. The entire flashforward here is covered in three episodes, "Through the Looking Glass," and "There's No Place Like Home," parts two and three.

Sayid and Hurley

1. The time is 8:15 when Sayid kills the man watching the mental hospital. Why is Hurley under surveilance and who's paying for it?

2. Jeremy Bentham has been dead for two days. Cause of death: suicide?

3. Why has Sayid been watching Hurley and where do they mean to go if not the Island?

4. Hurley has been playing chess with Eko! I wonder who else he's seen? Libby perhaps?


1. Sun is currently in London. I like how her mother tells her to "fly safe."

2. What is her business with Widmore? In the only Sun-centric scene in TNPLH Part 1, she says to her father that there are two people responsible for Jin's death, her father being one of the two. Does the fact the her only flashforward scene here is shared with Charles Widmore mean he's the other?

3. It would seem that Sun is using Paik industries to find the Island.

4. "We're not the only ones who left the Island." Did Widmore once call the Island his home?


1. The voice on the phone call says "The Island needs you. You have to go back before it's too late."

2. Why is Claire telling Kate not to bring Aaron back? It also sounds like a throwback to when she says to Charlie, "Bring Aaron back!" in Exodus.

Jack and Ben

1. I never pegged Jack as the type of person to listen to rock music. I always thought of him as a classical kind of guy.

2. So now Ben Linus has come to pay his respects to Jeremy Bentham.

3. Jack and Jeremy spoke about a month ago. "Some very bad thing happened. And he told me it was my fault for leaving, and he said that I had to come back."

4. "The Island won't let you come alone." The Oceanic Six must return to the Island.

5. "Sun blames me for..." Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Jack's the other person she holds responsible.

6. "You have to do it together. All of you." Including the man in the coffin, Jeremy Bentham, which is the assumed alias that John Locke is using!


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